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Awatar dla Chriyeon

do you know what i'm saying? and they're all fucking cookie cutters, and then you wanna get on the girl who does something different and if i don't do ENOUGH, like BLOW FIRE OUTTA MY ASS, y'all wanna get online and read... BITCH, YOU CAN'T READ THE DOLL! MAMA, y'all are still trying to figure out to do WHAT THE FUCK I'M DOING, HOW BOUT DAT? CATCH UP, BITCH! cause it doesn't take fifteen million dollars to do what the fuck i'm doing. it's called ORCHESTRATING. it's called FIGURING THE FUCK OUT.

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31 Maj — 6 Cze Last.week
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do you know what i'm saying? and they're all fucking cookie cutters, and then you wanna get on the girl who does something different and if i don't do ENOUGH, like BLOW FIRE OUTTA MY ASS, y'all wanna get online and read... BITCH, YOU CAN'T READ THE DOLL! MAMA, y'all are still trying to figure out to do WHAT THE FUCK I'M DOING, HOW BOUT DAT? CATCH UP, BITCH! cause it doesn't take fifteen million dollars to do what the fuck i'm doing. it's called ORCHESTRATING. it's called FIGURING THE FUCK OUT.

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