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We're Heading to Merseyside For Sound City

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Sound City (formerly known as Liverpool Sound City), is basically enormous. Close to 200 acts from across the board descend onto the legendary city in May for a weekend showcasing a stunning mixture of established and emerging artists. So it was a no-brainer to team up with Sound City to present a stage featuring such a great array of new music.

We love nothing more than discovering the latest sounds at Last.fm, so we're hyped to be working with Sound City to bring you the likes of Gengahr, a Transgressive Records band who have delivered the excessively wonderful 'She's A Witch' to our ears, whilst elsewhere we have the likes of Latvian indie band Carnival Youth, who's track 'Never Have Enough' is causing quite a stir amongst Last.fm listeners.

Away from the Last.fm stage is a ludicrous lineup consisting of Belle And Sebastian, The Flaming Lips, The Cribs, Everything Everything and so much more.

RSVP and get the full lineup on Last.fm here
3 Day Festival Wristbands are available at £65 from here

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