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Rob Zombie Leads The Masses At Bloodstock 2015!

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The UK's no.1 metal festival is back! Bloodstock Open Air returns and keeps in line with tradition by supplying the UK metal masses with some of the most exciting names in heavy music. From the trio of UK festival exclusives in Trivium (39,206,022 scrobbles), Within Temptation (63,689,542 scrobbles) and Rob Zombie (26,339,466 scrobbles) to the masters of progressive metal Opeth (66,633,668 scrobbles) and the masters of death metal Cannibal Corpse (21,877,920 scrobbles), Bloodstock really does boast it all.

Just announced are Black Label Society, WOLF and Napalm Death, whilst the Last.fm Sophie Lancaster Stage hosts the likes of Fleshgod Apocalypse, Delain and more.

Listen to the lineup and get all the info you need on the Last.fm Bloodstock event page
Get your tickets HERE

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